The bad news: As you probably already know, Indy isn’t the most pedestrian- and cyclist-friendly city. The good news: The City County Council is hoping to change that.
Last night, it proposed adopting a program called Vision Zero. It originated in Sweden in the 1990s and has since spread across Europe and over to the US, as “a strategy to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all.”
The new proposal would establish a 15-member task force to create a Vision Zero action plan, in response to a sobering uptick in pedestrian and cyclist fatalities in Indianapolis over the last few years. This interdepartmental group would review data and make strategic recommendations on new measures — think: the recently-implemented ban on red light turns.
If the proposal passes, the task force will begin meeting in October, with the goal of eliminating traffic fatalities and severe injuries by 2035.