The Rethink Coalition proposes redesign of I-65/I-70 near downtown Indy

One group is seeing the future of Indianapolis’ interstates in a whole new way, with released redesign renderings that show a recessed interstate.

A rendering of a recessed interstate near downtown Indianapolis where I-65 and I-70 meet

A rendered image of the proposed interstate redesign.

Rendering by Rethink Coalition

ICYMI — in yesterday’s newsletter we told you about The Rethink Coalition’s proposed redesign of the area where I-65 + I-70 meet near downtown Indy. The renderings for this reimagined area were too interesting not to revisit.

Think about the North Split. Now, imagine a recessed interstate with a large traffic circle that’s lined with trees near 11th Street where I-65 and I-70 intersect.

Elevated interstates, The Rethink Coalition believes, are a missed opportunity because the area underneath them becomes an “unwelcoming dead zone.”

On The Rethink Coalition’s website, you can take a look at a Visionary Study that compared rebuilding the Inner Loop recessed to rebuilding it elevated. Key takeaways included safety improvements, reducing interstate noise, and more green space.

Now we want to hear from you — our readers who live, work, and play in Indianapolis — and get your thoughts on this proposed plan. Do you like it? Dislike it? Continue the conversation.

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