If you live in an area with a lot of flowers (no, not just the Broad Ripple Flower Alley ones), you probably already know this: Monarch migration season will soon be underway.
Mid to late September is the peak time to see monarchs travel across Indy, and several gatherings are taking place around town to celebrate + support the beautiful butterflies.
Migration Celebration | Saturday, Sept. 14 | Cool Creek Nature Center | Enjoy live music, crafts, hiking, games, food trucks, and an informational speech from a monarch expert. You can even take home a milkweed plant to grow for next year’s caterpillars.
Monarch Butterfly Tagging | Saturday, Sept. 21 | Marian University | Help capture, attach butterfly-safe tracking stickers to, and release wild monarchs. Data will be sent to the Monarch Watch organization, which keeps track of butterfly sightings and their path down to their winter hibernation sites.
Hilbert Conservatory | Open during Indianapolis Zoo hours | Explore the life cycle of a butterfly at the incubator, learn about important adaptations of butterflies that help them survive + thrive, and get tips on how to support butterflies in the wild.
Get more information on monarchs, including how to register your yard as an official Monarch Waystation.