It’s that time of year again. Winter and potholes go hand-in-hand in the Circle City, so we’re sharing some tools and tips to keep Hoosiers safe and our roads smooth.
The problem
Potholes are created when water freezes and thaws on pavement, weakening its surface. The more cars that drive over the holes, the worse they get.
Currently, there are around 2,300 potholes waiting to be patched up. If you’re a visual person, check out this tracking map of potholes around the city.
Pro tip: The city can only fill the potholes it knows about, so if you’ve been frustrated about one in your neck of the woods, make sure to reach out about it.

It seems like Hoosiers are doing a great job reporting potholes so far this year.
Screenshot via Indy Pothole Viewer
The solution
You can report street potholes around the city on the Request Indy website or by calling the Mayor’s Action Center at 317-327-4622. If you’re reporting a pothole on a major highway, you can contact INDOT.
Did you know that the more times a pothole is reported, the better the chance of it being filled? It’s also worth noting that the ones on main roads get priority, so you’re likely going to see a longer wait time for neighborhood streets.
If your car is damaged by a pothole, you can file to be reimbursed by the city. Find out how the process works.