We’re breaking down everything you need to know about recycling in Indy so you can be clean, green, recycling machines.
Where do I take my recycling?
The city contracts with Republic Services for drop-off recycling sites throughout the city, and you can also subscribe for curbside pickup from Republic or Ray’s, depending on your location.
Can I leave my recyclables in a bag when I throw it in the bin?
Short answer — no.
Long answer — Bagged recyclables are a safety hazard to sorters, as there could be broken glass, needles, or rusted cans inside. Plastic bags also get tangled up in the gears on the line, which is a costly process to clear.
Where is Indy’s recycling taken?
Ray’s Trash + Republic Services both have materials recovery facilities (MRFs) in Indy, where materials are sorted and sold to manufacturing companies — recycling is actually a critical supply input for Hoosier manufacturing.
✅ Do recycle:
- All colors of glass
- Newspaper, cardboard, paper + magazines — make sure to break down your boxes
- No. 1 + No. 2 plastic containers
- Aluminum, tin + steel beverage and food cans
❌ Don’t recycle:
- Plastic bags are recyclable, but they can’t be thrown in with everything else. Instead, drop them off at the entrances of places like Meijer.
- Pizza boxes are also not recyclable, due to grease residue.
⚠️ Pro tips:
- Food/drink containers should be visibly clean, as they could contaminate the entire bin if enough recyclables are left uncleaned.
- Electronics can be recycled at a ToxDrop location.
- Single-use coffee cups — the only thing recyclable about a Starbucks cup is the cardboard sleeve, so if you do need a caffeine fix, try to remember to bring your own cup.